Sunday, November 27, 2011

You Are Here

There is a Buddhist meditation center in southern France called Plum Village. At least once a year in plum village, every monk kneels down before his brothers and sisters there and asks them to shine light on him- meaning to tell him how they see him.

Whoa...That is a pretty grand leap I'd say...How scary. How humbling.

After learning about this practice, I began thinking how much I wanted to do it. I think I will start with my sister and then move on to my roommates. It seems harsh but oh so necessary.

From the point of realization, I should learn how to be a better me. I will know what I need to work on, and what I am really good at. I think everyone could learn a lot from just asking someone to describe their strengths and weaknesses.

I really do want to be a better me.


  1. amazing:) and yet yes..very scary. i would like to do this too.

  2. I went to this thing when I was a teenager called 'Discovery' and we did very similar things. It was humbling to have such honesty.
