Happy birthday! Today you are consuming my thoughts. I miss you. I never stop missing you. Mom, dad, and grandma are all going to visit you today and since I can't, I wanted to write you a letter.
I had two tests today. I wanted to do so well, because you had this faith in me to succeed that I never have in myself. So that is my gift to you today, my success.
I think about the person you were everyday- all your accomplishments and your tender heart...Since you left, I haven't been able to wrap my mind around the man that you became! Such a man of God. A pure heart. A ear to always listen. A chuckle to always laugh with.
Lately, I have really begun to notice the man that my dad is as well. I love my dad, thank you for him. Thank you for passing on the traits that I admire so much in you onto him. You raised a father that couldn't be more perfect for me, couldn't be more perfect for your home and your family.
You would be proud of dad. Something about him lately, is just so full of spirit. When you left, I never thought another YOU could exist, but I think my dad is well on his way. I hope one day I will have another YOU in my life for my own family.
Grandma is doing well, she stays busy and of course always stoic. You leaving, gave me time to get to know her and you even better. I have learned to look for those great qualities in her as well. She prays for me everyday just like she did with you. She prayed with me today, and I know God hears her prayers. Her loyalty to Him is unreal.
We were blessed with amazing people in our lives grandpa! I miss you. I am going to try to be better everyday.
Here is your favorite song: