My Feather Business
Venice Beach Skating Rink
Missy is a great driver
Oh just Michael Buble and Me-No big.
Beach Time!
Best Friends
Walk to Work- Downtown Spokane
When I was on the airplane I stared the middle right in the face and began to think... I don't like the middle, at least I didn't used to. I realized I sit in the middle often...
The school year is my middle until summer approaches, then when I am ready for school to resume, the summer becomes my middle. Then school is once again my middle. So where and when is my beginning and where is my climatic end?
Between each trip I go on, I sit in the middle- awaiting and sometimes stressing over when I get to leave once again.
That makes this last year... my middle.
So where is my beginning and end again? I've become to realize that I am always waiting for something to happen, which can be a great thing, but it allows me to anxiously wait for something far down the road, rather than embrace the very moments I am living. The middle is a great place to be. The middle is a silly thing called life, and we gots to be livin' it up!